Handled Personally
Costa Concordia Grounding Deadline
Posted by HolzbergLegal | January 7, 2013
This past Sunday, January 13th, marked the anniversary of the Costa Concordia grounding in the waters off Giglio Italy. The 1 year anniversary also represents the ticket contract filing deadline for filing lawsuits. Holzberg Legal has associated with experienced Maritime co-counsel in Italy and will be timely filing all of our clients claims. We are optimistic about exceeding the inadequate offers by the ships owner/operator.
I intend to remain actively involved in all negotiations discovery and litigation in Italy and invite all passengers and crew who have not yet filed claims in Italy under requirements of Italian law. We will be accepting new clients all week and have a brief questionnaire designed to obtain information needed to preserve your claims and toll applicable Italian Navigation Code statutes. We will also consider co-counsel and referral arrangements for lawyers and law firms with passenger and crew clients who have not yet made arrangements in Italy. Valuable rights can be affected or lost by inaction this week!